Swefn ic geseah snāwhwītes geōles,
Geōlam gelīce þe wē gēo cūðon —
Bēamas glysnodon, bearn hlosnodon
Hīeran on hrīme hrædwægnes bellan.
Swefn ic geseah snāwhwītes geōles,
Þā ic geōlcartan georne awrāt:
Blīðan ond beorhtan bēon þīne dagas,
Ēadige ēac ēalla þīne geōl!
March in Janiveer
... Janiveer in March I fear
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Hwīt Geōltīd
Sunday, 6 January 2019
Sunday, 30 September 2018
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
City Life
30 years to the day since I first moved to Manchester. (Astonishingly.) Here's the City Life Student Special that I picked up on my first day.

Jive Hive, qu'est-ce que c'est?

On my first night I went to the International 2. I decided pretty soon after that I wasn't into clubs. Let's look at the pub reviews.
Entering the Ducie is like entering the 33rd County.
Wander slightly further up Oxford Road and you'll come to the Salisbury. Wander a little further and you're past it.
Strangest pub in Hulme is definitely the Spinners, where little drinking takes place but a deep sense of inner calm and considerable human understanding prevails.
The Lass O' Gowrie [...] Treat LOG 42 with respect!
Ah man. Happy days. The pub is still there, but they don't brew their own beer any more.
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